Probably heard it before. We are in a beginning process of converting the large collection of questions and answers class by our Supreme Grand Master Teacher: Dr. Malachi Z. York Inflammation Vs. MisformationIslam is Poisoned!!!by The Supreme Grand Master Nayya Malachizodok-El
Continue reading1997 Egypt of the West Savior’s Day
Reminiscing about Tama-Re. It’s almost June and it has been about 18 years since we celebrated Savior’s Week on Tama-re. May 8th 2002, Dr. Malachi Z. York was taken from his people while his people were strategically evicted from their land. Even now their very own identity is slowly but surely being stripped off of […]
Continue readingThe Invincible World
Recorded Questions and Answers Class with Dr. Malachi Z. York The Invincible World
Continue readingThey will retrace their steps
Pa Neteraat “The Deities”, who came down among the people long ago, in ancient Tama-Re “Egipt” were not different but were very wise, healthy and they had a strange look in their eye. They said, in the time of the next sun cycle, new people will emerge called Nuwaupians, where the sun appears to set […]
Continue readingEgiptian Magic Charms and Amulets for Protection
For the Ancient Egiptian Order excerpt from: Egiptian Magic Charms and Amulets for Protection by Supreme Grand Hierophant S.G.H. Amunnubi Raakhptah (Atum-Re) We, The Ancient Tama-Reyeaat “Egiptians” were envied by many and mostly by the heka-khasus (hyksos) canaanites “cursed seed” who we refer to as Pa Tuta or Pa Tamahu. …. “We Tama-Reyeaat “Egiptians” had […]
Continue readingViolations of Nuwaubians
Brother and Sister Nuwaubians, you must be aware that there are matters which nullify your way of life as a Nuwaubian We will mention here the ten most common violations. Please be mindful of the following: El Wah “The First” Praying and asking help for wealth or offering them blood, animal, or human sacrifices are […]
Continue readingGonna need a lot more shelving unit
Spent all day putting books up on these bookshelves we got second hand off craigslist ad. our goal is to someday have a warehouse to hold all our books and operate the bookstore from there. We truly appreciate the patient our customers and patrons. I hope you guys know that this is a second job […]
Continue readingAEOE Bookstore update
Our lifetime goal and passion is truly running this bookstore. And our hope is to continue to serve our Nuwaubian community and others by providing access to our hall of knowledge. Our plight is not without hardships but we are holding on. We want to thank you and let everyone who patronize us that we […]
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