Our goal has always been and continue to be a source for Nuwaubian books and things. Hope to one day include everything that Dr. York has ever published. Until then here is a free ebook to help learn the Nuwaubian language.
introduction from this series:
Gold Series – Book 5
Nuwaupic, The Ancient Egiptian Mystery Language
Made Easy
Rahubaat “greetings”, let me, your spiritual master Atum-Re take you one step higher and introduce you to a once in a life time phenomena, the re-birth of our very own language which is the ancient Tama-reyeaat “Egiptians” mystery language called. Nuwaupic. There were many dialects in Ancient Egipt and various scripts, but you are about to lear the mystery language of Ancient Egipt. When you hear two people speaking Polish, you think, Pollack. When you hear two people speaking Japanese, you think Japanese. When you hear two people speaking Arabic, you think Arab. And most languages come with a culture. Well, it is time again, for a unified language. Remember as religious people believe, that the whole Ta “earth” was at one time, one single language, and they lived in peace without confusion or babel and with the diversity of tongues, languages, dialects gave birth to separation, division of cultures, racial superiority and inferiority and the eventual wars between humans. It is time for we as a people to come together as a godly family and a perfect step to success is to resurrect that once old language that existed before man became a beast. The language of Pa Neteraat, “The Deities”, the gods. Some called them the Eloheem, others the Alihaat, others the Anunnaqi, but they were the Neteraat. However, they choose to call the beings that germinated this planet, they had a tongue that they spoke and that they taught to their children on this planet, and then divided it into many tongues. Well, it is being brought back together into one tongue, called Nuwaupic, which has several scripts, such as the Hieroglyphic Script. The one we of The Ancient Egiptian Order will use the Hieroglyphics script which is seen on the cover. This little pamphlet is put in English so that it will be made easy and simple for you to learn. There is available a complete language book with grammar, dictionary, alphabet books, coloring books, easy lesson series, flash cards, audio tapes, video tapes, and C.D. Rom, distributed through The Ancient Egiptian Order, P.O. Box 6421, Macon, Ga 31208. The quickest and simplest way to learn, is to get the beginner’s edition with tape and c. d., the intermediate edition with tape and the advanced edition with tape, appropriately entitled, “Ancient Egiptian Mystery Language, Made Easy” comes in a series of colors.
Tawuh Antuten.
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