The Neter Tehuti

The Neter TehutiSupreme Grand Master of the Egiptian Sacred Brotherhood Has Said, “The human beings yearning for hotep “peace”, contentment and full realization of himself and the Neteru, is the Neteru’s intention.” So the very fact that we feel that yearning so intensenly is proof that we already are in touch with the Neteru.

The Neter Tehuti,

Supreme Grand Master  of Egiptian Sacred Brotherhood has said, “The Conscience is the Voice of the Neteru and certainly, long before that Hotep “Peace” contentment and certainly long before that Hotep “Peace” contentment and realization comes, we already are stirred by our consciences.”  So we are in touch with the Neteru

The Neter Tehuti,

Supreme Grand Master of the Egiptian Sacred Brotherhood said, “It also is true that the longer we remain in touch with that presence of the Neteru in our Lives, the more we are likely to undergo experiences that serve us as evidence of the Truth of the Neteru.  and with each new evidence of the Neteru, our right knowledge, right wisdom and right overstanding also grows.”

The Neter Tehuti,

Supreme Grand Master of the Egiptian Sacred Brotherhood said, “These experiences are our sights. and insight is the rain that nourishes the tree of fact, determination and that certitude that grows out of direct right knowledge.”  Share your rain with us.  Write down your insight and mail it to:  AEOE Bookstore P.O. Box 6421, Macon, GA 31208

The Great Master Deity Tehuti was known by many names.  Some called him Thoth, others called him Hermes even others Melchizedek and Al Khidr, but in all he was the “Keeper of the Key to the Mysteries.  Those secrets, best kept sacred.


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