Why the “I” and not the “Y”?

Why the I and not the Y?Answer:  The letter “I” is the 9th letter of the English Alphabet, and being most of your languages is being taught to you through this language, the Ancient Ones also put a protection over you.  We call it Nine Eye, or the A’iyn Principle, as the 9th letter is “I” for the first person singular, you the ego.  To distinguish our order from others who may use the standard spelling with a “Y” we replaced it with the “I”.  You may or may not know that the letter “Y” was derived from the Latin alphabet, the alphabet of the Romans, who in turn borrowed it from the Semetic letter Yod, which is an “E” sound.  In modern times now that the original black wooly haired Egyptians worldwide are becoming conscious of their identity, they have changed the meaning from what all original encyclopedias and dictionaries translated Aegyptos as “Burnt Black” or “Black Faced”, when the Greek New Testament gives the meaning as Aiguptos (Ah’-Ee-Goop-Tos) of uncertain derivation “double straits”, borrowed from the Old Testament word Mizraim:  “Double Straits, or Land of the Two Rivers”.

They took the definition “Burnt” from the word corrupt Kemet, which was derived from Khamit, borrowed from the Semetic word Kham or Ham, meaning “Burnt Black”, which was the Hamites, children of Ham, son of Noah, when they get their biblical concept that the Egiptians are the Mizaraimites found in the Torah that they claim migrated westward and settled there.  They also have taken several other names from the book of Genesis chapter 10 and added those names to the adjoining lands across the eastern and northern coast of Africa, claiming that the Cush of the Bible which also means “black” and is translated as Ethiopians, were those people.  and that the Phut of the bible, which today is called Libya are those people.  This was the way that the Romans and the Greeks and the Phoenicians who became a stock of Hebrews propagated their religious belief and established themselves in a land that predate their doctrines to give themselves validity.  When in actuality people of Higher Learning and intellect inhabited those lands long before the Phoenicians, Canaanite, Hittites, Romans or Greeks ever visited, and the Pyramids predate the Semetic Cultures that bred Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Now they need to derail this reality for fear of the spiritual link to the Ancient Ones, so they say it was taken from the Ancient Egyptian term Hik Up Tah (“House of the Spirit”), which was the original name for Memphis, one city in the whole of Egypt.  and in that they make a mistake, the word for spirit in Ancient Egypt is “Ka”, and the “Ta” is “Earth”, and it’s original called “Het-Ka-Ptah” the house of the spirit of Ptah”.  The deceptions and tricks will not work, not nowadays.  This “I” was changed into a “Y” as for the English letter “I”, it was derived from the Latin, Call the letter Iota.  The semitic writing system, as you know when you say semetic languages, you are left to believe that it’s speaking about Hebrew and Arabic, when in fact it predates those dialects of the original Cuneiform, Demotic, Akkadian, Ugaritic, which later bred Aramic and Syriac, which became your Arabic and your Hebrew.

So, in actuality the original letter Yod of Hebrew and Arabic was taken from the original “I” of Cuneiform of Nuwaubic, The Original name of the script Cuneiform, which symbol was in actuality an eye, as you see in the word eye, the letter “Y” is trapped between two “e” for there is another letter in the semetic languages that have the same sound e, and it’s called ah’yin in Hebrew and A’iyn in Arabic, which is the initial sound of the tone, aum.  As seen used in the Sanskrit symbol for aum.  and it symbolizes seeing is not believing, but rather seeing is knowing, hearing is believing.  The all eye seeing, the all seeing Eye.  In our Revelations we use the letter “I” instead of “Y” because “I” is the ninth letter and it better suit our order, being that nine is the highest number.

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