They will retrace their steps

Pa Neteraat “The Deities”, who came down among the people long ago, in ancient Tama-Re “Egipt” were not different but were very wise, healthy and they had a strange look in their eye.  They said, in the time of the next sun cycle, new people will emerge called Nuwaupians, where the sun appears to set in the west.  They will retrace their steps to find what was left by the side of the Nile long ago.  Their steps will take them to the Hierophant Atum-Re, who they will ask to guide them on their journey.  He will guide them for 30 years; then open the door to the secret unto them, but many of the followers will have fallen asleep, again turn from him and conform.  The others will awaken to this new time which much to offer. Some of the followers will be silent out of fear.  But most of the followers will be silent because, no one will ask anything of them, because they will have all the answers.

Ancient Egiptian Wisdom! book

Ancient Egiptian Wisdom! book

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